Saturday, April 23, 2011


Ok seriously, what the fuck. I just vied my post. That's not the story I meant to post up. In fact, that's a story idea I've been working on, I started to write it... I need to go out and take pictures of the lake and the surrounding area. It is my story, but... I don't know. Maybe that is what I copy and pasted without realizing, but I just posted it and I know I have highlighted text elsewhere. This is weird guys and especially since I haven't received a response about the glitch between scanning a picture and actually viewing it. Does anyone know how that could possibly happen? Maybe I do need to be on a steady dose of adderall. It probably is just my memory. The other day my fiancee and I got a little heated because I thought I told her something important and she swears that it's not what happened. The details though... Guh, I don't know, definitely not helping with the current stress I'm feeling hahaha... Guh... anyway here's the story I meant to post. It's not complete and a work in progress so let me know how you feel about it thus far. Thanks guys...

                The shot rang out in the still autumn air. Standing there dumbfounded, he looked at the body. Whoever this person was, they were lying on their back. The only sound that existed was the crunching of leaves as he stepped closer and closer to the body. Each slight crackle was like an explosion going off. It was bizarre that the noise of each leaf was greatly louder than the bullet firing and exploding leaving the barrel of the semi automatic pistol. When the body was within range of him being able to touch it, he hesitated. Was it over? Was this whole experience ended? Two more blaring pulls to the trigger just to insure it, to make sure the head was split wide open. With a sigh he turned around and slowly began moving away. That’s when he heard it. Cackling. It was impossible. Three shots, no man could potentially survive that. All most as if the body had heard the thought of shear shock and awe of his thoughts the body, no longer just a body simply stated “It’s not over just yet”.
                Alex woke up, another failed attempt at a lucid dream. The failures kept piling up, his subconscious a consistent battle field. Waking life was a far more dreaded nightmare. Reality is nothing more than world full of anger, hatred, rape, murder, torture, injustice, could one be blamed for trying to be a dream walker?  A rare specimen indeed and ever since hearing the term he longed to join them in their peaceful days creating a utopia. The only issue was that not all dream walkers looked for a pleasant escape. Many knew the ins and outs of the subconscious, exploring and exploiting others dreams affecting both the waking life and the dream world.
                It takes nothing special to be a dream walker. Just an imagination and the knowledge of infinite possibilities and the acceptance that dreams are a reality in and of themselves. When you dream, those people that you see walking, they don’t know they are just a figment of your imagination. No, their not even a figment. They exist and the moment you wake up you have just caused a massive genocide against an entire society of people. Don’t let that worry you though. The dreamwalkers have refugee camps for the poor lost souls that you cause to lose every night. The dream walkers, the benevolent ones anyway, are your guardians. You don’t even know they exist. Some don’t want anything more then to just sleep and live in their created worlds. To them, to us dreams are far greater then reality. Alex knows this and that’s what he’s striving for. This is his story of trying to become one. This is a story of infinite possibilities and the constant struggle of good versus evil. And most importantly, this isn’t a story. This is happening as we speak.
                It all begun when Alex was a child. Seen as an emotionally disturbed young boy just because he believed in what others considered insane. Insane because he knew all folklore and legends and myths stem from some truth. Knowing that the one place he could escape to that would never judge him would be his dreams, but without control they could be a nightmarish world as well. Unless you have ever confused dreams with reality or vice versa, the honest truth is you have no inkling of what it’s like. What it’s like to be labeled as what you, a dreamer, and looked down on it. To have your only escape also be a potential prison. To see the figures from you dreams follow you. Alex knows though, he always has.
                Not all lucid dreamers are dream walkers though. And not all dreams can be lucid. And not all reality can be dreams. And not all dreams can be reality. To even begin an endeavor such as this you must see the other side of the world. A side most go about day by day ignoring because people are too caught up in their own self important lives. Too busy calling those with hope fools because they are afraid to change and try to make things better themselves. The dream walkers have a name for these people. They are simply shadows.
                The man in Alex’s dream is unknown to him and is unique to him. In fact he is a unique specimen. Shadows fear what they don’t know or understand. They despise dream walkers for their abilities to be unaffected by the chains of material possessions, to be unafraid of death, to be open to new ideas. So they hire stalkers. Stalkers are normally hired by shadows to destroy a dreamwalker.  Sometimes physically, and sometimes worse. There is a greater sin then murder and that is the destruction of hopes and dreams and that’s what these demons do. Once dreamwalkers themselves, denying the lifestyle being drugged back in by mother culture. Wanting the material world over the endless love that they themselves could experience. Alex has the misfortune of facing one of the most dreaded, and without being a full dreamwalker, he barely stands a chance.
                If the story seems out of place thus far, as if the events are thrown together, one explanation leaping to another, you must understand that this is a dream. When you dream do you remember how you got from one place to another? Just like what you consider the real world, the dream world (which is the real world to us dream walkers) has it’s own set of rules. There are no societal rules, but the mind self imposes rules. However it is said that a day will come when a dreamwalker powerful enough will overcome those rules and do far more then ever imagined or before conceived. Before that day though the rules are simple. One cannot dreamwalk while on drugs. It is impossible. Being on drugs is being in a dream so when you drug yourself and sleep it is reality. Secondly, going into another’s dream is quite limited. To enter another’s dream without permission is accomplishable, but quite difficult and frowned upon. Third, to dream within a dream, while not totally unattainable, is not easily manageable.  Fourth, it is important to understand that within your own dream you are god. You control every little even that occurs, whether consciously or otherwise. To understand the limitations of having no limits is a lesson one must learn otherwise potentially suffer vast consequences.
                The dreamwalkers have their own set of rules. No one may enter another’s dream with given permission. Once dreamwalking is mastered, there are virtually nothing that is impossible. Hardwiring the subconscious is as simple as knowing what areas to look for. That’s why it is vastly important for a dreamwalker to know how to protect their own mind from others.



    SORRY, I HAD TO, I just... had... to...

  2. Yes, yes I do, otherwise why follow me?

  3. LOL I was kidding :)

    I just made a teeny tiny whittle joke :3

  4. Heh sorry don't mean to come off that way, just... lots of things going through some things and especially trying to get help from /x/ related sites and not really getting help... sigh I don't know...

  5. looks good :] keep it up! i want to read more of it!

  6. Ive tried to get into lucid dreaming,never really worked out. I kept waking myself up and realizing i was dreaming. Nice blog man.

  7. I love you Shona :D
