Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quick Update

I haven't been posting because I think I've made the biggest discovery in parapsychology since the use of infrared cameras nad I've been experimenting. The idea came from my fiancee who also is helping with it. So that's why it's been slow here. Also trying to get in school along with work isn't making things easy. Oh and there's that whole insanity thing that I have to deal with from time to time. Though, if I'm correct (which so far all my work and studies have shown nothing but progress and a definite theory) I could change the way parapsychology is looked at. Though I have to say, I have been having weird chills lately and terrible nightmares. Not that the two are related, but you never know...


  1. There is probably more background information needed for us non-psychology majors to be able to follow this post ;)

  2. please let us know more about it!

  3. following! please check out my 3 blogs!

  4. sometimes negative images are REALLY creepy.
